About OTA

Who we are


We Are

What telecom brings to ohio

What Telecom

Brings To Ohio

Our Members



Becoming a member


A Member

About OTA

The Ohio Telecom Association (OTA) is a statewide trade association that promotes the common interests of telecommunications companies serving and employing Ohioans. The OTA currently represents 41 telecommunications providers, 2 wireless providers and over 100 associate member companies that supply goods and services to the telecommunications industry. In total, the OTA member companies employ more than 16,000 Ohioans.

OTA member companies are a critical component of Ohio's economy. From 2001 to 2003, Ohio's local telephone companies invested more than $2.5 billion in Ohio's telecommunications infrastructure and Ohio businesses.

The OTA is the first established telecommunications association in the United States. The association represents the telecommunications industry, before the Ohio General Assembly and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. The OTA plays an active role in the formulation of telecommunications policy and seeks to ensure that its members have the opportunity to provide the best telecommunications services possible. It collects and disseminates information relative to the industry and provides a forum for the discussion and resolution of issues of mutual concern.

By supporting the common interests of the telecommunications industry in Ohio, the OTA helps ensure that Ohio residential consumers, business and other customers have ready access to the most modern telecommunications services available.